Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Seasonal Contrast in the Garden #15

Seasonal Contrast in the - Gardens at Waters East

Postings in this ongoing series will show the same garden “area” and “objects” at two or more different times / seasons of the year.  The contrast will offer the viewer an appreciation of the beauty found in the same spot but in different months.  Some of the photos have never been seen before, others were collected from earlier postings in order to provide the needed contrast.  Each season has its own “feeling”, has its own  beauty.
This is the area in the gardens known as The Rain Garden.  All the rain water from the southern half of the roof on the home is piped underground to this area where it is filtered before seeping off into Lake Michigan.


 Driftwood - brought up from StoneWater Beach

 Petasites japonicus - "Dinosaur Food"




 Lake View in June

Reference Note:  If you check out the archives for this Blog, you will find a number of “contrast” postings in this series.  All help in understanding the gardens throughout the year.

NOTE:  All photos use in this posting were taken on the property of Gardens at Waters East.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:


  1. I enjoyed your comparisons. It is always good to take a good look at the garden during each season. Also the great thing about gardening is that the garden is always changing, as you have shown here.

  2. How interesting to see one thing in different seasons, Jack.
