Thursday, June 14, 2018

June - The First Half -- 2018

White Lilac with Lake Michigan at the edge of the gardens.

Lots of blooms started in the garden in May as thing here near the lake began to come to life.  Now that it is June – more and more plants are showing their colors – GREAT.  These are photos taken the first half of June.

 Centaurea Montana

 The ever present visitor - always looking for the daily salad bar!

 Native Columbine

Native Anemone

Once again, way more photos than I could possibly upload today!  Here is a sample of what is happening as we come to the middle of the month.  Hope you enjoy this time of years as much as I do!

 Creeping Phlox

 Hungarian Speedwell

 German Bearded Iris
One of many varieties in the garden.

 Another German Bearded Iris


Enjoy even more!!!

 This seems to be a "mutant" - among the German Bearded Iris!

 Geranium - Splish Splash

 Another Splish Splash
Believe it or not -- of the hundreds that bloom in the garden
none are identical!

 Lily of the Valley

 Pond Iris - new this year to the garden.

 Siberian Iris - another "mutant" in among other Siberian Iris.

 Native Phlox

 One of many varieties of sedum.

 White Siberian Iris

 Spiderwort -- Tradescantias

Cushion spurge

Friday, June 8, 2018


Each month Gardens at Waters East (GAWE)will post a few never before seenphotos of “garden life” called - - BLOG SHOTS.  Here are the photos for this posting.

moments in the garden - - enjoy

 Stonewater Beach
at the Gardens at Waters East

 One of my favorite day lilies
hybridized here at the Gardens at Waters East.

 Someone is checking - who lives in this house?

 Notice the Ghost Spider!
Changes color to blend with the surroundings 

 One last look at Lake Michigan from the gardens.

Reference Note:  For a complete list of the ten (10) Principles of Designplus the special “Golden Principle of Design”used throughout Gardens at Waters East, check out the archive postings for November 14 – 24, 2010 and May 2, 2011.

NOTE:   All photos use in this posting were taken on the property of Gardens at Waters East
unless otherwise marked.
NOTE:   Since this Blog is meant to be an accurate journal of the gardens;
no photos are “staged”, “arranged”, or ”photo-shopped” in anyway.
What is posted – is what it here.  It is what it is.