Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sample of Day Lilies 2016 #2

During the last ten years, Gardens at Waters East has hybridized more than 450 day lilies.  These day lilies exist no place else on Earth accept here at the gardens.  About half have now been given away as gifts to friends and neighbors.  Slowly they are taken over the planet – jajajjajaj

This year – 2016 – there will be only two postings of some of the blooms from these plants.  Part one and part two will have a total of twenty of the hundreds that have been hybridized – just a sampling.

This is Part Two – a final look at the 2016 Day Lilies.  (Part #1 was poster one month ago - see November 28th.)

Hope you enjoy these hardy plants as much as we do – this has been a long-time passion.

 #8 Iridescent

 #1 Red


 Day Lily Field

 #8 Rootbeer


 Sunrise - Daylily Field
Notice how the early morning sun changes the colors.

 #8 group



Your comments are always welcome.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

December 24, 2016

Here in photos, is the week of Christmas 2016 at the Gardens at Waters East.  As you can see: special visitors and snow – so Christmas-like for those of us “up North”. Most of these were taken this morning after yesterday's beautiful soft snowfall.
Enjoy the season and the celebrations!

 You are always welcome to visit.

 "Blade" the garden darling!!

 So interesting the snow melting on branches.

 Love these shadows in the Asian Patio.

 There seems to be more and more of these "visitors" in the garden - hmm!

 Formal Garden

 Even the blowing snow creates art - nice.

Fountain Head - Asian Patio

(All photos are taken here on the property – just as it is – no “photo shop” on this blog!)

Friday, December 16, 2016

Watershed #27

Watershed for Gardens at Waters East

These photos were all taken in June of this year along a part of the 1000 mile Ice Age Trail in Forestville.  A beautiful day for an afternoon hike.  This trail is part of the “Watershed” of Gardens at Waters East.  I only know a few of these plants - maybe you know others.  Let me know!

The easy definition of a watershed is:  the area of land where all the water that is under it or drains off of it goes to a shared destination.  In the case of Gardens at Waters East. Lake Michigan is that destination.

All gardens exist within a watershed.  And, all gardeners know the vital importance of watershed areas.  If the watershed is healthy, all life there stays a little more healthy.  What is done on the surface in our gardens and surrounding areas can impact what ends up being in that final watershed destination.  Gardeners know the importance of good stewardship for the patch of land where they live.  They know too that what they do on their land will effect the health and well being of all who depend on the quality of the area’s watershed.

Gardens at Waters East is located in the state of Wisconsin where there exist more than 12,600 rivers and streams that travel a total of 44,000 miles.  More than 32,000 of those miles are perennial streams.  There are 2,700 trout streams covering 10,370 miles.  There are more than 15,000 lakes, 5.3 million acres of wetlands, 1.2 guadrillion gallons of groundwater.  All this forms two different watersheds which drain either into the Great Lakes (and for Gardens at Waters East specifically Lake Michigan), or the Mississippi River which itself eventually drains into the Gulf of Mexico.  Wisconsin is blessed with such an abundance of water as a natural resource.  The best of gardeners realize the responsibilities they have to care for the health and well being of the watershed where they live.

The photos in this posting are of some of the very near rivers and creeks that are part of the immediate watershed environment of Gardens at Waters East.  The two large rivers ( The Kewaunee River and The Ahnapee River) and the two creeks (Three Mile Creek and Mashek Creek) are within walking distance of Gardens at Waters East.  These all flow directly into Lake Michigan which itself is one of the five Great Lakes which together contained 20% of all the fresh water on Earth.  Many past and future postings often showed and will continue to show Lake Michigan as a “backdrop” to garden pictures.  This is done to remind all visitors to the gardens not only of the beauty here, but also of the importance that Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes have for all life in this area.

As they say - - “Come on in the water is fine”

recent sunrise at Gardens at Waters East 

Reference Note:  For a complete list of the ten (10) Principles of Design plus the special “Golden Principle of Design” used throughout Gardens at Waters East, check out the archive postings for November 14 – 24, 2010 and May 2, 2011.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Super Moon - this morning 12.14.16

Here is a photo - just one - of the Super Moon setting in the west as seen from the Gardens at Waters East at about 6:30 AM today.

Haunting, Quieting, and Cold!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Only One Today

This posting is of only one plant – the Marguerite Daisy.  Here are photos from the months of June & July 2016.  With a focus on only one plant – it was thought that you the viewer, might find details that otherwise could be missed.  Things like, the center detail, the shades of yellow, the many different visitors that spent time on the blooms, and more.

Many looks at:   Only One.

Viewing Lake Michigan from the Gardens at Waters East. 

Your comments are always welcome.