Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Discover - - StoneWater Beach

StoneWater Beach

The lake shore along the property of Gardens at Waters East is named:  StoneWater Beach.
The following collection of photos best explain why.

The other day, while taking a slow and deliberate walk along the shore,  a number of photographs were taken of the many and varied forms and colors found at the beach.  It is fascinating to discover the beauty and the detail in objects so often overlooked.  Taking a moment here and there to stop and look down, or to sit and observe, brings a whole new world to life.  Here is a part of the gardens - all in stone.

Beauty and Wonder 

 Stone  &  Water

Stones & More Stones

Waters East

The Colors

The Forms

The Textures

The Variations

The Interest

So Many - & - So Different

Looking North  &  Looking South

The ending of a wonderful day of discovery.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:

Saturday, August 20, 2011



Today, Saturday, was a perfect day from sunrise to sunset.  Mid seventies and low humidity.  A great day for walking and enjoying the Gardens at Waters East.  The birds were about, the butterflies and bees all around the property, and the blooms of lots and lots of flowers still going strong.  Here then are four of a series of twenty-five sunrise pictures taken this morning, with additional photos taken of garden life today, and finally the sunset this evening.  The beginning, middle, and end of a perfect day at the shore.  The photos will do the “talking”, no words needed today.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden
please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:

Friday, August 19, 2011



Each month Gardens at Waters East (GAWE) will post a few never before seen photos of “garden life” called - - BLOG SHOTS.  Here are the photos for this posting.

moments in the garden - - enjoy


 Grasses in East Field

Purple Coneflower

Grasshopper on Daylily

StoneWater Beach
Gardens at Waters East

Native & Wild Flowers
East Field


Clouds Forming at Sunset
as False Sunflowers reach for the light

 !   !     Lest We Forget     !   !   !

During these warm Summer months;  Gardens at Waters East will include one photo of the recent long and cold Winter in each of its BLOG SHOT postings.  Always  nice to have a comparison to days past.

 Looking West

Photo Essay – Winter 2010 - 11  - - -  see the special series of an extensive collection of photographs taken at Gardens at Waters East this past Winter.  Check out the archives dated April 4 – 5, 2011.
See the snow, hear the wind, and feel the cold – - - enjoy.

Reference Note:  For a complete list of the ten (10) Principles of Design plus the special “Golden Principle of Design” used throughout Gardens at Waters East, check out the archive postings for November 14 – 24, 2010 and May 2, 2011.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden
please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:

Monday, August 15, 2011

Birds & Bees / Bugs & Butterflies - & - Frogs

Birds & Bees  /  Bugs & Butterflies - & - Frogs

Impossible to count the number of visitors that were in the Gardens at Waters East this past weekend.   Everywhere one looked, there was one, then another, and then even more.  They came on foot (feet) and on wing.  After taking more than 200 pictures;  a voice inside my head said – “enough already”.  Here then are a few of the many photos, and some of the many visitors to the gardens.

Just their pictures today, left off the names.


Mourning Dove
watching the Starlings gather in flight

Why they all come to visit.

Why I stay.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden please do that through this Blog site or with an email to: