Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Spring is Happening

 Spring is happening!

This week many of the birds have been returning to spend the summer here and others are just passing through on their way further north.  Nice to know they are once again in the area. There have been Robins, Redwing Blackbirds, Crows, Eagles, Sandhill Cranes, Chickadees, Doves, Common Blackbirds, Cardinals, Meadow Larks, Purple Finch and others.


Here are a couple of photos of some of them.



A sampling of a sunrise on one of the early Spring days.

Every morning is a “show” here at the shore.


Interesting, one day this past week March 13, 2024,

I walked out into the garden and to my surprise there was a raccoon sleeping up in a tree!

I think I woke him up.



Enjoy your days this time of year as we all get back into our gardens.