Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Want a "Quickie" ? Today - - Bougainville

 Here is a “Quickie” from this morning.


The Bougainville is in full bloom the last few weeks so I thought I would share a couple photos.  As you know the flower is only the small white flower that you see.

The orange / salmon is not the flower but the bracts.



Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Switzerland - last trip - flowers

                      Checking out and remembering some of the past flowers I have enjoyed.

These photos are from my last trip to Switzerland.   Impossible not to love the place;

the mountains, glaciers, houses, and of course the flowers.

Do enjoy!

Monday, March 15, 2021

GREEN - soon must be St. Patrick's Day!

 In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day this week, Gardens at Waters East wants to share some GREEN today.

Here are some odds and ends of garden green.

Enjoy & Happy St. Patrick’s Day

My special pet


another special friend - oh so many!

The garden Bog

Petasites japonicas


view from the garden

"Here is looking at you"

"bead frogs" !


Saturday, March 13, 2021


 In Your Face!!!


Me, me, me.  Look at me.  No, look at me.  Better yet, skip all those and look at me!  Walking through the Gardens at Waters East, one almost hears this constant refrain.  Every plant wants attention.  Every bloom is screaming – “I’m so beautiful just look at me!”  In many cases they are right.  Take a look at some of the beauties basking in the sun and calling to be the center of your attention. Checkout the detail of some of the garden residents.


All of these “portraits” were take here in the gardens.  Self centered though they may be, the flowers do make you stop and stare.  They seem to be doing “their thing” just for you.  So why not indulge them for a few moments while walking the paths.


Here then are photos for this posting

pause a moment - - - really slow down and pause a moment

see the detail

even if you only pick one or two of the photos - pause a moment



Yucca - August

Oriental Poppy - June

Cup Plant - September

Tiger Lily - June

Tardia - May



NOTE:   Since this Blog is meant to be an accurate journal of the gardens;

no photos are “staged”, “arranged”, or ”photo-shopped” in anyway.

What is posted – is what it here.  It is what it is.


Monday, March 1, 2021


 Each month Gardens at Waters East (GAWE) will post a few never before seen photos of “garden life” called - - BLOG SHOTS.  Here are the photos for this posting.


moments in the garden - - enjoy



Sunrise - looking East over the lake - November

Autumn Clematis - October

Bee on Rudbeckia - August

Baptisia - June

Monarch & Bees - August

Joe Pye with bees - August

Daylily hybridized at gardens #7 July

Crab Spider on False Sunflower - September

Sunset - looking East over the lake - October



Reference Note:  For a complete list of the ten (10) Principles of Design plus the special “Golden Principle of Design” used throughout Gardens at Waters East, check out the archive postings for November 14 – 24, 2010 and May 2, 2011.



NOTE:   All photos use in this posting were taken on the property of Gardens at Waters East

unless otherwise marked.

NOTE:   Since this Blog is meant to be an accurate journal of the gardens;

no photos are “staged”, “arranged”, or ”photo-shopped” in anyway.

What is posted – is what it here.  It is what it is.