A quick review of history shows that peonies have been cultivated in China for over 2000 years and for many centuries they have been used in medicine, in art, and in gardens. In the garden they have long been admired for their ornamental qualities. Peonies are regarded as symbols of good fortune, compassion, prosperity and romance. We all know better but yet it is easy to see why “Peony’s Envy” can take over one’s life.
When you think your collection isn’t as big as your friend’s; it is easy to harbor unhealthy thoughts and have “Peony’s Envy”. There is no sure cure. A gardener may think that getting a bigger patch of the plants will satisfy the need to feel superior, but someone is always going to have an even bigger patch of peonies. On and on it goes – “Peony’s Envy”.
My recommendation for a cure is to enjoy what you have. Stop comparing yourself to others. What you have works for you. Looks great. Has that certain something. Appreciate all you have. Others no doubt have even less. You will never have the biggest, and I think it is realistic to say, you won’t have the smallest collection. Envy can only cause heartache. Get over it, get on with it.
What is posted here today is a representative overview of some of the peonies growing in the Gardens at Waters East. Not the biggest collection and not the smallest – just right for this garden.
NOTE: All photos use in this posting were taken on the property of Gardens at Waters East.
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