Second of two-part series:
Over the years, Gardens at Waters East has posted a
number of photos of the many day lilies that have been hybridized here. You can page back through the archives
of this Blog if you want to check them out once again.
This posting is going to show
photos of some of the many daylily “gifts” that have been given to the gardens
by local gardeners who know that the Gardens
at Waters East always has room for one more – and takes pleasure in showing
these day lilies off to visitors. These
gifts are adding to the ever-expanding collection of great plants, and some
have been used in the hybridizing process for those day lilies created here in
the gardens.
With that in mind - - here are
some of the many day lilies now growing in the gardens thanks to the generosity
of other gardeners.
NOTE: All photos use in this
posting were taken on the property of Gardens
at Waters East
otherwise marked.
NOTE: Since this Blog is meant to be an
accurate journal of the gardens;
no photos are
“staged”, “arranged”, or ”photo-shopped” in anyway.
What is posted
– is what it here. It is what it