Friday, July 29, 2011

A Gift & A Delight - from - Ahrensburg Germany

A Gift & A Delight

All this week Gardens at Waters East has hosted members of the Ahrensburg Symphony Orchestra.  Some lived here while in town and spent time in and about the area, others stayed with other families.

On Tuesday at Midnight, those at Gardens at Waters East performed a private concert here at the gardens.  A gift and a dielight!

StoneWater Beach
Gardens at Waters East

Today’s posting will be of some of the flowers blooming this week during their visit.  The daylilies posted, are a few of the 400 + originals that have been hybridized at GAWE and were also blooming during the visit.

Ship Ribs from the 1800s

The photos have been interspersed with personal comments that the symphony members wrote about the gardens while living here.

Note left on chalk board form symphony visitor

Inula Ensifolia

Also, ich war vom 25.7. bis zum 28.7. im Haus “Gardens at Water’s East” von John/Jack in der Naehe von Kewaunee, Wisconsin. Das ist ein sehr nettes, relativ grosses Haus, das nur hundert Meter vom Ufer des Lake Michigan entfernt steht. Das Haus steht voll von merkwuerdigen, interessanten und schoenen Kunstgegenstaenden, zum Beispiel Teile von im See gesunkenen Schiffen. Der Blick aus den grossen Fenstern zum See ist einfach unglaublich, vor allem am Morgen. Der Sternenhimmel ist so klar, wie ich ihn noch nie vorher gesehen habe.
Ich habe auf der Couch im Wohnzimmer geschlafen. Morgens wurde ich immer von den Sonnenstrahlen und den Geraeuschen des Sees geweckt.
Unser Gastgeber war extrem verrueckt, aber sehr nett und zuvorkommend und hat uns viele Freiheiten gelassen. Es war gut, hier gewesen zu sein.

Fridolin Zimmer

StoneWater Beach
Gardens at Waters East

Auch ich war vom 25.7. bis zum 28.7 hier, und ich bin begeistert von diesem wundervolllen geschmackvoll eingerichteten Haus, und dem sehr sehr schoenen Garten. Speziell die selbstgezuechteten Lilien haben mich beeindruckt. Ich bin sehr froh, John kennen gelernt zu haben, weil er eine sehr interessante persoenlichkeit ist, mit der mann ueber viel Dinge interressante Gespraeche fueren kann. Hoffentlich habe ich irgendwann die Moeglichkeit wieder die USA und John zu besuchen.

Jonas C. A. Reinhardt

Butterfly Weed
NOTE:  check posting of March 1, 2011
for more photos and information on the butterfly gardens

“Just Feel Comfortable” war das Motto in dem weissen Haus direkt am Michigan Lake, umgeben von einer ruhigen Landschaft. John, der nette Besitzer der fuer uns geoeffneten Wohnung vom 25.07 bis zum 28.07 hat uns eine Lebensphilosophie gezeigt, die jede Art von Sorgen, Stress oder Hektik ablehnt, und Anderen an dieser Art von Glueck  teilnehmen laesst. Seine nie endente Unternehmungslust sorgt fuer Abwechslung und tollen Erfahrungen ueber den ganzen Tag. Alles an John und seiem aussergewoenlich eingerichteten Haus war interessant. Eine Sammlung von historischen Gegenstaenden, zusammen mit moderner Kust und einem abwechlungsreichen Garten sorgt fuer viel Unterhaltung und Gespraechsstoff. Es war eine tolle Zeit mit John, denn dank Ihn als Reisefuehrer habe ich viel von USA gesehen und ich hoffe, ihn vielleicht mal wieder zu sehen.

Phlipp Dose

Hydrangea - Annabelle

Ich hatte einen wundervollen Aufenthalt hier. Dabei kam weder der kulturelle noch der uebrige Teil, wie zum Beispiel Wandern in der Landschaft von Wisconsin, zu kurz. Der Blick vom Haus auf den Lake Michigan war unbeschreiblich schoen. Ich habe den Aufenthalt bei meinem Gastgeber sehr genossen.

Justus Tennie

 Sea Holly

Along the Lake Path 

Reference Note:  For a complete list of the ten (10) Principles of Design plus the special “Golden Principle of Design” used throughout Gardens at Waters East, check out the archive postings for November 14 – 24, 2010 and May 2, 2011.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden
please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

HOT HOT HOT - Sunrise July 20, 2011

This was the colorful and cloudy sunrise this morning as seen from
Gardens at Waters East
on the shore of Lake Michigan.
It was a beautiful display of nature’s glory to welcome another day.
(no photo was "doctored" for color, all are as it happened)

July 20, 2011


 Heliopsis - False Sunflower
reaching for a new day

Petunia - Vista Bubble Gum
waiting for the morning sun

White Daisy
seeing the light

Palm in the Formal Garden

 Ship Bib
part of  a schooner from the 1800s

 Morning Light
a new day beginning

viewed through a porthole sculpture
form the ferry - Straits of Mackinac

Another porthole sculpture
Straits of Mackinac
NOTE: more pictures and facts on this ship can be found in the archive
Blog Posting
dated January 2, 2011

welcomes the morning sun

Clouds Breaking
brightening the day

becoming white

Blue Veronica
reaches for the sunshine

After the beautiful sunrise;  the rest of the day got really HOT and HUMID.  The heat index was an unbelievable 109 F.  For humans that is just way too hot and uncomfortable, people wilted!  However, the plants loved it.  Things are blooming all over the place.  Here are a few example of flowers from today.  All have smiles, happy with the sun, heat, and even the humidity.

False Sunflower   White Daisy    California Poppy

                 Lavender         Delphinium    Coreopsis-Early Sunrise

Tiger Lily

Asian Patio Garden

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden
please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:

Monday, July 18, 2011



(All “Quickies” are photos taken and posted the same day)
These photos were taken just today at the Gardens at Waters East. - - - - - July 18, 2011


 Morning Storm
passing out over the lake

Daylily - Awesome Candy
first bloom today

Baby Robins
big difference from the July 7th Blog Shot #18 posting

One of the 400 + unique hybridized daylilies #11
"created" at Gardens at Waters East

Egyptian Walking Onion seed heads

Flemish Poppy

First day of blooming
White Coneflower

Monarda - Burgundy
blooming after the morning rain storm

Orange Poppies
happy for the return of sunshine

Daylily #7
another of the unique hybridized plants
"created" at Gardens at Waters East

Coming to the end of the season
final bloom today for the
Gottendorf Rose

Reference Note:  For a complete list of the ten (10) Principles of Design plus the special “Golden Principle of Design” used throughout Gardens at Waters East, check out the archive postings for November 14 – 24, 2010 and May 2, 2011.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:

Friday, July 15, 2011



Each month Gardens at Waters East (GAWE) will post a few never before seen photos of “garden life” called - - BLOG SHOTS.  Here are the photos for this posting.

moments in the garden - - enjoy

 Orange Poppy at Berry Path

StoneWater Beach
the private beach at
Gardens at Waters East

Bumble Bee  on Baptisia Australis

Took a photo of the evening moon
when developed 
a reflection made it look like two moons over the lake

A self-seeded Bachelor Button
Centaurea Montana
struggling for life in the Niagara Escarpment Wall

Evening in the Asian Garden

Red Peony

 !   !     Lest We Forget     !   !   !

During these warm Summer months;  Gardens at Waters East will include one photo of the recent long and cold Winter in each of its BLOG SHOT postings.  Always  nice to have a comparison to days past.

 Sunset - Gardens at Waters East
February 13, 2011

Photo Essay – Winter 2010 - 11  - - -  see the special series of an extensive collection of photographs taken at Gardens at Waters East this past Winter.  Check out the archives dated April 4 – 5, 2011.
See the snow, hear the wind, and feel the cold – - - enjoy.

Reference Note:  For a complete list of the ten (10) Principles of Design plus the special “Golden Principle of Design” used throughout Gardens at Waters East, check out the archive postings for November 14 – 24, 2010 and May 2, 2011.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden
please do that through this Blog site or with an email to: