Monday, January 21, 2013

Colors in the Dead of Winter #4

Color in the Dead of Winter

 Daylily - Blade

In this part of the world,  Winters can be long, cold, and white.  With that in mind, Gardens at Waters East has decided to post a four part series bringing together lots of never before seen photos of the gardens to help brighten up the Winter months with colors of the growing seasons.  Each posting has twenty-five photos.  You can check out as many as you like.  There are more than enough to bring some color to you life this time of year.

 Russian Sage, Rudbeckia
Lake Michigan 

The pictures have been saved over the months in a special file which contains thousands of never before published photos.  Gardens at Waters East thought – “it is now time to put some of them out there”.  They need the light of day.  Hope they cheer up you Winter months.

 Native Anemone

 Coneflower, lilies, etc
19th century ship rib

 Inula Ensifolia

 Allium Drumstick

 Balloon Flower

 White Daisy & Bee


 Rose - Gutendorf


 Peony & Phlox


 Star Magnolia
Sunset over Lake Michigan

 Tiger Lily

 Goats Beard

 Siberian Iris

 Middle Walk - Mix

 Wave Petunia - Pink Bubble Gum

 Snow on the Mountain - and more
Rock Garden

 Summer Succulent

 StoneWater Beach
private beach
Gardens at Waters East

 Yellow Wild Flower
StoneWater Beach

 Phlox - "David"

 Wild Siena

NOTE:   All photos use in this posting were taken on the property of Gardens at Waters East

NOTE:   Since this Blog is meant to be an accurate journal of the gardens;
no photos are “staged”, “arranged”, or ”photo-shopped” in anyway.
What is posted – is what it here.  It is what it is.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden
please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:


  1. Wonderful gardens ! Thanks for this colours !

  2. your garden is very big and the flower is so beautiful. I wish i can grow daylily in malaysia.

  3. Those beautiful pictures remind us on a terribly cold day that Spring is only 2 months away!

  4. Love the sunset and Tiger Lily photos...a welcome sight with tempertures in the teens!
