Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Following in the Footsteps - Tracks

Take a look at the patterns in these tracks found in the Gardens at Waters East during the recent transition from Winter into Spring.  Each “tracking” representing the life of a living creature calling these gardens home.  Each going about the routine of living, moving from here to there, looking, wondering, searching, or just out for a stroll.  - - - - - Something we all do from time to time.

Enjoy our fellow creatures from what they left behind.

 rabbit & birds


Rock Garden

 deer & raccoon
StoneWater Beach
private beach - Gardens at Waters East

Plant Kaleidoscope

 rabbit & deer
Bog Garden

Lake Michigan

StoneWater Beach

 deer & rabbit

 rabbits going "crazy"

deer walking to beach

a human among us

NOTE:   All photos use in this posting were taken on the property of Gardens at Waters East
unless otherwise marked.
NOTE:   Since this Blog is meant to be an accurate journal of the gardens;
no photos are “staged”, “arranged”, or ”photo-shopped” in anyway.
What is posted – is what it here.  It is what it is.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden
please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:


  1. Lovelly tracks!!
    Have a nice day!!

  2. Lovely photos! Thanks for letting me know that my blog was untranslatable into English. I think it is fixed now - my page was set to be in English and I hope it works now when the language settings is correct, Hope you come by again.

  3. Hi John,
    thanks for visiting my gardenblog! It gives me great joy

    I did some searching on your blog and discovered a lot of interesting
    I think it's a previleg to live so close to the water.
    In our environment is also much water, lakes and the Baltic Sea, but not so close to the house
    But the summer house is only 50 meters from the beach and I love to be there.You can find on the blog a lot of pictures of the island of Fehmarn

    Our climate is more oceanic and we have canstantly wind.
    This love neither the plants nor I. Sometimes I wish to live in continental climate, but I love my homeland.

    In our garden you can also see in winter a lot of traces. Good pics!

    Meggie from

  4. I enjoyed following your visitors' tracks through the garden. It's hard to believe that, in May, you're still dealing with snow and I'm dealing with 90+ degree temperatures.

  5. So pretty and many garden visitors to track, the snow makes it easier. Rabbits going crazy is a fun one.

  6. Hi Jack,

    What a huge diversity of animals visit your garden in winter. Looking forward to see spring arrive! We have sun and higher temperatures at last.

    Have a good week!


  7. Whoa, this is stunning. Picture every one of the reading through and also producing you could do... Cool during the cold months even though. where can i buy runescape gold
