Friday, March 7, 2014

THE TREE #1 - beginnings

The tree that has been chosen for this series is a very special tree here in the Gardens at Waters East.  Very special indeed.  It may be a common tree throughout much of North America, but it is a special tree here in these gardens located along the shores of Lake Michigan.

Twelve years ago this month  (March 6, 2002) a small beanlike seed from the Honey Locust – Gleditsia triacanthos, was planted in a pot in the sunroom of the home on this property.  In June of that year it was moved outside into the gardens.  From that small seed, there now stands a tree more than 20 feet tall.  It has matured.  In fact, this past summer was the first time it produced seedpods.  I feel like a proud papa!  I have watched this tree grow from that small seed a dozen years ago, into a good size tree that now protects and shades the Hosta Garden, one of thirteen garden rooms in the gardens here along the shore.  I often sit in the shade myself at the edge of another garden room, the Bog Garden sotme twenty feet away taking in the sights and smells of the many flowers growing where the Locus lives.  The small seed planted years ago has now become an adult.

Over the coming months I hope you can enjoy and admire what my “baby” has become.  From a small seed of years ago to the structural element that now dominates the southern edge of the Gardens at Waters East.  It stands tall and proud, a great addition to the gardens.  I will be posting monthly the life of this tree and the friends that gather around it, and the friends that call it home today.

The photos posted today all were taken in the last twenty-four hours.  This was done to give an immediate base to all photos that will be posted monthly over the present year of 2014.  This is the first in a series titled - - The Tree, which will follow the life of my special tree!

If you wish to look at other blogs from around the world which are doing similar monthly tree postings.  click on:

NOTE:   Since this Blog is meant to be an accurate journal of the gardens;
no photos are “staged”, “arranged”, or ”photo-shopped” in anyway.
What is posted – is what it here.  It is what it is.


  1. It's a beautiful tree - dramatic in the snow - an movingly introduced. Thank you!

  2. This should be an interesting series. That tree is very special,since you grew it from seed.

  3. Your honey locus has grown into a beautiful tree. Looking forward to learning more about it and seeing it progress this year.

  4. Lovely shape to your tree, and very special to have grown it from seed. Astounding that in such a comparatively short time it has matured to being a "proper" tree. I look forward to getting to know it through the year.

  5. I am amazed how quickly your tree has grown. How lovely to choose a tree you have grown yourself from seed. It makes it very special.

  6. I agree with the others--that is a beautiful tree and especially touching that it was grown from seed. We have Honey Locusts in our front yard--grand trees that provide filtered shade to the plants underneath. And one of the nicest things is that the leaves are so small, they provide ready mulch that can be simply mowed into the lawn. In your location, I'm imagining they provide wonderful mulch for your Hostas!

  7. It's such a great feeling to see a tree grow from seed, to become a strong feature in the landscape. Very much looking forward to ongoing updates!
