Sunday, January 17, 2016

Watershed #24.2 Ice Sculptures

Part Two --- Ice Sculptures:  ---- AS PROMISED!!!
The second weekend of January was a great time to get out and hike in the Door County area less than an hour north of the Gardens at Waters East.  It was relatively warm (34 F) with lots of sun and a great breeze to “kick up” the wave of Lake Michigan.

Four of us took off on a two mile hike along the western shores of the lake and we were rewarded with some spectacular scenes.  Because of the action of the waves and the spray flying up at times more than twenty feet, the rocky cliffs and the tress along the shore were covered in ice – the power of wind and water – beauty – nature’s art.  This was a hike that satisfied more than we could have imagined.

As always, I took way too many photos to put in one posting, so I have divided this into a two-part series.  It could be made it even larger since I have more than one-hundred and fifty pictures from this walk along the eastern cliffs of Door County.  Happy to share some of them with you.  Hope you enjoy walking with us today.


 spray form the waves crashing on the rocks

 one of the hikers

Special - This is a video of the shore on our hike that day.
If you get it to "work" for you - I know you will like it!

NOTE:  Every photo posted on this Blog is always taken on the property of Gardens at Waters East – except those under the heading “Watershed”.  The watershed is that area of surrounding land, water, and streams beyond the gardens that nurture the gardens and eventually, slowly move East where the waters find their way into Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes.

The easy definition of a watershed is:  the area of land where all the water that is under it or drains off of it goes to a shared destination.  In the case of Gardens at Waters East. Lake Michigan is that destination.

Your comments are always welcome


  1. Those are amazingly beautiful. I see your weather has turned a good bit colder now. It's fun to see how you took advantage of "warmer" weather earlier.

  2. Can't seem to get the video to work,but the photos are stunning. I can see where it would be easy to take hundreds of pictures there.

  3. Yes, incredible images! I can only imagine how amazing it was to see in person. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Sorry, the video didn´t work for me - but the photos were fantastic! Thank you!!

  5. What a beautiful place to live! Lake Michigan sounds exotic to me!
    Your photos are gorgeous!

  6. Thank you for your warm comments. You hav e a lot of ice too. / Britt

  7. Fantastic ice sculputres, and photos!
    Have a nice day!

  8. Exotic for me too :) Beautiful photos, Jack !

  9. Gorgeous photos! I'm always amazed any of the trees can survive this incredible ice load.

  10. Those ice sculptures look impressive Jack! Thank you too for the kind comment on my blog. It made me blush :-)


  11. Wonderful ice sculpture Jack. Great photos!
