Saturday, February 1, 2025

 Unique - Eagles Hugging.

In the past two weeks we here in the Mid West have seen some of the most frigid weather we have had in the past six year.  When I got up in the morning it was minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit that is  -26.11 Celsius,  another morning was minus 18 degrees Fahrenheit that is -27.77 Celsius and another was minus 16 degrees Fahrenheit that is -26.66 Celsius.  It continues to be cold out but not that cold, more like -5 to -8 below zero Fahrenheit. It is winter and that is the way it is!


One of those mornings when I looked out the windows at the lake, I saw something I have never see. Looking at the south property area.  There were two eagles in a tree that were hugging each other – can you blame them?  I have never seen that in all the years I have been watching the eagles here.  Even for them it was way too cold! I wish I could have gotten closer but this photo is as good as I could get.





For me this is one of my best shots of the year.  Very unique.  Eagles hugging.


Monday, January 20, 2025

Amaryllis - - Belladonna Lily

We are in the midst of the coldest days we have had in over six years.  When I got up this morning it was minus 12 at 5:00 AM.  Any way you look at it – that is cold!!!  With that is mind I thought maybe I could warm everyone up with a few RED HOT shots today.  Hope I am a help to you on these really cold days of January.


Last year (2024) I decided to save the Amaryllis bulb after it had finished blooming in early Spring.  I cut back the leaves and stem, put it in a dark cool place until it was brought out this past October (2024).

This was the first year I grew the plant


Here are some photos of the process and this year’s blooming.

a second stem is forming

January 18, 2025

The plant is 26 inches high from the ground.
Just measured it again - it is now 29 inches to the top from the gravel and soil.


Here are some of the seed pods and seeds from this past season.

I have so so so many!!!!





Tuesday, January 7, 2025

In Your FACE

Me, me, me.  Look at me.  No, look at me.  Better yet, skip all those and look at me!  Walking through the 
Gardens at Waters East, one almost hears this constant refrain.  Every plant wants attention.  Every bloom is screaming – “I’m so beautiful just look at me!”  In many cases they are right.  Take a look at some of the beauties basking in the sun and calling to be the center of your attention. Checkout the detail of some of the garden residents.


All of these “portraits” were take here in the gardens.  Self centered though they may be, the flowers do make you stop and stare.  They seem to be doing “their thing” just for you.  So why not indulge them for a few moments while walking the paths.



Here then are photos for this posting

pause a moment - - - really slow down and pause a moment

see the detail

even if you only pick one or two of the photos - pause a moment






Early morning at

Gardens at Waters East