Monday, January 20, 2025

Amaryllis - - Belladonna Lily

We are in the midst of the coldest days we have had in over six years.  When I got up this morning it was minus 12 at 5:00 AM.  Any way you look at it – that is cold!!!  With that is mind I thought maybe I could warm everyone up with a few RED HOT shots today.  Hope I am a help to you on these really cold days of January.


Last year (2024) I decided to save the Amaryllis bulb after it had finished blooming in early Spring.  I cut back the leaves and stem, put it in a dark cool place until it was brought out this past October (2024).

This was the first year I grew the plant


Here are some photos of the process and this year’s blooming.

a second stem is forming

January 18, 2025

The plant is 26 inches high from the ground.
Just measured it again - it is now 29 inches to the top from the gravel and soil.


Here are some of the seed pods and seeds from this past season.

I have so so so many!!!!






  1. Your Amaryllis are beautiful. I had a red one as well and it bloomed well.

    1. It is really red. Love it for winter with the snow outside. Happy you were able to visit.

  2. Replies
    1. The Amaryllis is indeed a GIANT treasure! Love it. Glad you agree.

  3. Amaryllis are beautiful and fun plants, aren't they? I need to force one again one of these years, too. Thanks for sharing the beauty!

    1. I do agree beautiful and fun. So nice to have something like this blooming in the house this time of year. I have so many many seeds, don't know what to do with them. Maybe I will put them out for the birds to eat.

  4. Ha fatto davvero freddo anche qui in quei giorni! La mia ragazza aveva circa 15 di questi bulbi ma nel vaso non riuscivano a fiore bene allora un giorno abbiamo deciso di piantarli nel terreno in una zona un po' protetta. Dopo qualche anno sono tornati a fiorire anche con inverni a -6 gradi.
    Certo che tenendoli bene come te e protetti producono davvero molti steli!

    Ti auguro una buona settimana!
