Saturday, July 21, 2012

Niagara Escarpment - Watershed #6

Cave Point

This posting will document in photos some of the interesting rock formations located only an hour north up the beach from Gardens at Waters East and these same rocks exist under the very grounds here at the gardens.  As has been mentioned in a past “Watershed” blog posting;  this is the same rock formation (Niagara Escarpment) that runs from Niagara Falls, up over the top of Lake Michigan, then continues south and west out toward the state of Iowa.  More information on this can be found in an earlier posting of July 2, 2011 in the archives titled – Watershed – Facts & Photos.  If you haven’t viewed that, it might be of interest as a foundation for the photos to follow.  There is also interesting information and more details about the escarpment found at the following web site from Wikipedia.

Since it has been a really hot Summer for much of the United States and even here along the shore of Lake Michigan, this posting will try to bring back some Winter relief to all that heat.  The whole area here along Lake Michigan is absolutely gorgeous during the Summer.  These Winter photos are meant to help cool everyone down at this time of year and offer more views of the watershed of Gardens at Waters East.

Do enjoy viewing what is a very common factor of the land formations near and under Gardens at Waters East.  There is a lot of rugged beauty in this place that nurtures this environment along the shore.  So many of the stone on the beach here at StoneWater Beach have been “birthed” from the escarpment shown in today’s pictures.

Hope these photos will help to cool off your Summer heat.

Even a Kayak in mid Winter!

Summer photo, now with gulls on the same rocks as photo above.
Lets not forget it is Summer.
The rest of the photos in this posting will be of the same escarpment
this warmer season.

Summer - Cave Point

People on beach gives perspective of the height of rock walls.

Now - - - if you need some really “cold shots” of Winter to cool down;  go to the archives for April 4-5, 2011.  The nine part series found there will give you more than enough snow photos from the gardens here on the shore of Lake Michigan.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden
please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:


  1. I love that Cave Point. Really interesting feature. It's funny how the dread of winter cools our thoughts during these hot and humid days. They are lovely shots. I have a feeling we'll be seeing traditional weather patterns this next year with El Niño establishing itself once again. Hope you have a good weekend.

  2. What a beautiful spot, and it is lovely to see it in the different seasons.

  3. Interesting story and lovely pictures you made of Cave Point. You are lucky to live near such a beautiful spot.
    Here we have about the first real summerday, at least no showers and the weatherforecast is great for the coming week : 25 degr. C.

  4. Beautiful photos, we don't have anything like that here in my part of Sweden.
    Everything is ok with me, but i don't have spent so much time infront of the computer as before.
    Can you please send some of your summer heat to my part of the world, its to cold for me here right now.
    I can send you new seeds this autum if the old ones won´t germinate at all, I hope that I will remember that.
    Have a great day!

  5. Great pictures! Good thing it has cooled down and we've finally had some rain.

  6. Hello! Wonderful ptotos! I always wanted to see what is there near your Garden! Nice beaches, rocks and caves.

    1. I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award,
      Congratulation! See my post

  7. great photos, nice natural formations, increadible views, must make visit someday

  8. Thanks for the link to Niagara Escarpment!
    What a wonderful rocks and caves. The beach near the rocks looks so nice. The photos on winter are amazing, too.
    Sounds so great to live in near so beautiful shore!
