Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July - Review 2012

July, the “middle month” of Summer for the Gardens at Waters East, is now over.  It was a very hot one.  The record for days above 90 degrees was broken.  HOT HOT HOT!!!  In spite of the heat, no watering was done in the gardens except for the three vegetable gardens.  The thought is – if a plant can not survive on its own, it doesn’t belong!  - - -  It is a cruel world!

It is so very difficult to limit this posting to only twelve photos that reflect the many phases and patterns of plants here on the shores of Lake Michigan during the month of July.  Knowing that there are so many more pictures that could be viewed and enjoyed, this posting will however try to capture the whole range in only a few select photos.  In the days ahead, other photos will be posted in the ongoing series titled Blog Shots.
None of these photos have been posted until now.
Enjoy your visit.

 Lily - Red

Balloon Flower

Sunrise - Gardens at Waters East
July 17, 2012

Allium - Drumstick

 Butterfly Bush - Black Knight
Globe Thistle


Coneflower & Russian Sage

Dianthus (annual)

Middle Walk
Lake Michigan in Background

Sweet Pea (native)
Veronica & Marguerite Daisy

False Sunflower
Pink Mallow & Monarda

Marguerite Daisy
Blue Flax & Poppies

NOTE:  All photos use in this posting were taken on the property of Gardens at Waters East.

If you wish to email a message or share photos of your garden
please do that through this Blog site or with an email to:


  1. Beautiful! I tried not to water also. The only thing I watered was all of my plants in containers.

  2. I've to water my plant everyday, sometimes twice a day except on rainy days. In the lowland tropic the plant will commit suicide if i do not water it!
