Saturday, April 2, 2022

Boulders - a study in form - meditation

I find these boulders along one of the many nature paths here at the University of Wisconsin to be a great study in form. This is a collection photographed over the last months on my different hikes.

Taken individually or as a group here is a composition that can speak:  Earth,  Durability,  Permanence,  Strength,  Long Life,  Texture,  Simple Beauty,  Being in Place,  Light and Shadow, etc.

October 18th.
November 19th.


January 1st.

March 21st.

September 22nd.

October, 22nd


November 16th.

March 29th.

Now, focus on just one of the boulders.
See the detail, think of the history, the long formation.

Take a long look, go beyond seeing - - what do you “feel”???

November 19th.




  1. I feel tranquility when I look at your photos. My favorite photo is the one from January 1st. I like the shadows on the white snow. Juet lovely!

  2. Very fascinating. Seeing the same spot in the different season.

  3. Una serie de fotografías preciosas. Besos.
