Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Hunting Season - it is NOW

This week is gun deer hunting week in Wisconsin.  The hunting season has a long history here, for many people it is a family tradition.   There are more than 600,000 hunters in the woods and forest around this stare this week for the nine-day hunting season.

Lots of deer and lots of hunters.

HUMM - Looking in my office window while I am looking out! 


I will say – I don’t have to go far to find them.  Just looking out my windows – there they are!


At all times of the year

All photos taken on the property of 
Gardens at Waters East

Some little one is hungry!

Hiding on the edge of a garden path

The garden files here are loaded with pictures of deer “being at home” in

The Gardens at Waters East.



Footprints of deer on StoneWater Beach
at the Gardens at Waters East


Enjoying a "snack" from the Formal Garden.
Photo taken through the Sunroom window.

This Buck knows he is being hunted!


This photo was an accident - wrong setting.

Yet I like it.

My "ghost" deer in the garden.


  1. Replies
    1. Took all of them out of my windows. The glass has some distortions, but you get the idea.

  2. I agree. With plenty of food and water - it. must be heaven for them.

  3. Beautiful photos. I like deers very much, but I don't like them when they are in my garden. They eat everything. Your last photo is lovely. I like your garden ghost.

    1. I like the last photo too! Glad you were able to visit and meet some of my "friends" here in the garden.

  4. You really have a lot of deers. The first photo is funny; nice meeting with animal!

    1. Anna, I thought the first photo was so funny too! I think that animal was spying on my work in the office!

  5. Great deer photos! We rarely have deer here in the suburbs (rabbits aplenty, of course). But growing up, they were regulars at my parents' more exurban and rural homes. Hope they don't eat too much of your garden.

    1. They seldom eat things in the garden. When I first started the garden some twenty years ago, they ate everything!!! Not so today. That is a good thing. Spent the holidays running around Madison. Miss that city!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks. This morning there were five more deer in the gardens walking through, and twenty-one turkeys. It is a zoo out there, jaja.

  7. Replies
    1. I agree. The views here are pretty fantastic. Everyday something interesting to see.

  8. Dan ganas de pasear por ahí.


    1. Lots of places to walk around in the gardens or just beyond the property on all the nature trails and reserves.

  9. I remember the days when we never saw deer in that area. Fast forwarding, we had as many as 45 run thru here in summer but only 12-17 now. Neighbors saw a 16-pointer, but the biggest in my yard was an 8-pointer while there were 2 and 4 on the smallest of deer. I've never seen such small antlered deer. As many as there were, I didn't have much trouble - other than all my decimated day lilies - all season. Turkeys are all over and, generally, 17 in a line with the lead guy looking taller than me! From the size of them, they are competing with the deer for food. Your skies are always spectacular - you capture so much that others miss.
