Monday, September 6, 2021

Labor Day Weekend at the garden

Here are few photos take this Labor Day Weekend at the Gardens at Waters East. The last of the Summer flowers are blooming, and a couple of friends are enjoying their time hanging around the gardens on the shore of Lake Michigan.




Rudbeckia Goldstrum

frog on Scotch Pine

frog - notice the texture and colors

butterfly on Aster

one of the dayliles hybridized here in the gardens

native Cup Plant

Monarchs coming from Canada

gathering and resting for their long trip back to Mexico.

 Their "great grandparents" left Mexico earlier this year.

Now these great grandchildren return to the same place in the mountains - - - 

 never having been there!

Ghost Spider on Coneflower

More Monarchs gathering this weekend.

The groups are just beginning.

Last year there were hundreds and hundreds 

here at the Gardens at Waters East.

Joe Pye and Bumble Bee - notice the pollen


  1. Beautiful flowers. I would love to see a gathering of Monarchs like that.

    1. It is a sight to see! So many are in the garden and I suppose in properties all along the lake here. I have movies I posted last year but somehow people could not view them. There were thousands the day I recorded them - amazing!
